905 493 4110
Brian J Wark - Sculpture & Healing Studio

Healing Services
Energy Healing & Spiritual Support
Brian J. Wark
In 1979, after an entertaining, awakening seminar in Amsterdam with Ram Dass, I took the boat and train up to northern Scotland to The Findhorn Foundation, a non-denominational spiritual community housing people from all over the world to practice unconditional love and experience a shared spiritual vision of peacefully living together on Earth.
My third one-week seminar as a participant was a performing arts workshop with 23 people from many different countries. Six people independently asked me for a healing. Why? I had no methodology, no experience; so flabbergasted, with a book on ‘Polarity Massage’ propped open, I felt the flow of healing energy happen through me. It was the beginning.
1980-84: I was a resident member of the Findhorn Foundation. In 1981, Barbara D’Arcy Thompson, a long-time teacher, invited me to co-lead a seven day healing arts workshop involving Reflexology, Polarity, Lymphatic Pump and other modalities. It became about ‘healing the healer’. Thereafter, I continued teaching healing seminars at Findhorn, including one titled: Modern Initiation.
Barbara D’Arcy Thompson was also my mentor for ‘The Metamorphic Technique’, a healing modality that focused on the bone structure along the inner arch of each foot. In 1984, in addition to Findhorn, I taught seminars of the Metamorphic Technique in Athens, Greece, at the office of an Adlerian psychoanalyst.
1984-85: I took 1st and 2nd degrees of ‘The Radiance Technique’ in Corsica and became a practitioner in clinics in Toronto and London, Ontario. The Radiance Technique involves the activation and application of universal energy for healing self, others, plants and animals. In 1985, I did extensive auditing and practice teaching in the United States and then graduated from an intensive teacher training program in St Petersburg Florida with Dr. Barbara Ray.
1986-1996 As a certified teacher of The Radiance Technique, I offered seminars repeatedly in over 30 Ontario communities, as well as in Venezuela, Bolivia, Romania (just after the revolution), France, Britain and Belgium.
I studied one-on-one with Dr Barbara Ray to the advanced 5th degree level and was a founding director of The Radiance Technique Association Int’l with 86 teachers world-wide. During that time, I developed a method of activating universal energy in the feet. My healing centre also included facilitating spiritual counselling work through The Radiance Technique sessions.
1997: For the next 26 years, I continued doing self-treatments, distance healings, world peace directing of energy and hands-on with whoever presented themselves in need.
In 2000, I became a student of ‘A Course in Miracles’; a non-dual psychological approach to spiritual awakening. Between 2008-2018, I hosted and produced nine two-day seminars at the University of Toronto; eight with Gary Renard and one with Dr. Kenneth Wapnick.
In 2022, in Victoria, BC, I spontaneously responded to an interpersonal need for deep healing with a new method that involves spiralling the spinal vertebrae with multiple finger touch using both hands. ‘The MetaBrae Process’ feels like gently playing memory and energy release notes and chords along all 26 spinal vertebrae while sometimes simply, quietly, holding with fingers in place. This is an intuitive release to Holy Spirit direction. I would not know how to do it myself. It feels like an extension of the Metamorphic Technique I learned in the early eighties at Findhorn.
Bone gives structure to the body. It is an available template of time that can be used, on many levels, to dissolve the structures of time. The vertebrae are the meeting place of bone and the central nervous system, brain and a direct avenue
to the mind and Mind. Past lives, personal and monadic, are available as seeds of healing that can be activated
with Spirit-guided touch.
Hour-and-a-half sessions feature MetaBrae, in combination with Radiance, Metamorphic and Reflexology Techniques.
Each session is Spirit-guided with clients fully clothed.
MetaBrae is best-suited to natural fabrics such as organic cotton or silk on the upper body with sweat pants
giving access through the material to all 26 vertebrae, including the sacrum.
Fee is $ 125 for 90 minutes. $ 150 for 2 hours
* Book 8 sessions get one free * highly recommended

Healing Modalities
Brian J. Wark Healing Modalities
The Radiance Technique ™
Is a science of universal, non-dual energy that came to the West by way of Japan, but had its ancient roots in Tibet. In its basic form it is a very effective, non-invasive and soothing hands-on healing technique with specific positions for head, torso front and back. In its advanced levels, this universal energy of Radiance may be directed beyond the limits of time and space through inner planes to foster healing of the past, or future, here, now and near, or far away.
The Radiance energy always works to serve the highest good of all concerned. The healing energy may precipitate awareness and insights, the sharing of observations, or silence and deep resting in God, and perhaps a calming sleep. There is no ‘should happen’, nor expectations, just abundant expectancy.
The Metamorphic Technique
Was birthed in London, England, during the seventies/eighties by Gaston St. Pierre and Barbara D’Arcy Thompson. It effectiveness was particularly validated by strong success with autistic children who were not readily amenable to traditional healing/medical treatments, but received weekly treatments from parents who had been taught the method.
Metamorphic is based on the understanding that the spine is a symbolic energy representation of the different stages of development of the fetus during the nine months of gestation. It is believed that the soul’s life lessons of forgiveness and growth are energy encapsulated along the spinal vertebrae. These ‘lessons’ may sometimes be experienced as energy blocks, frozen in time, that seek release.
The foot spinal reflexes along the inner bone structure of the right and left foot, running from the conception point at the tip edge of the big toe, to the nine months later birth point at the edge of the heel - can be activated powerfully and gently by the practitioner with the Metamorphic Technique. It is particularly effective when shared with family members or partners. It fosters a deep undoing, unlearning of the ego’s defense patterns and blocks that stand in the way of happiness and joy, our birthright.
The MetaBrae Process - Extended Notes
In 2022, in Victoria, BC, I spontaneously responded to an interpersonal need for deep healing with a new method that involves spiralling the spinal vertebrae with multiple-finger touch using both hands. ‘The MetaBrae Process’ feels like gently playing memory and energy release notes and chords along all 26 spinal vertebrae, while sometimes simply, quietly, holding with fingers in place. This is an intuitive release to Spirit’s direction. I would not know how to do it myself. It feels like an extension of the Metamorphic Technique I learned in the early eighties at Findhorn.
Bone gives structure to the body. It is an available template of time, on many levels, that can be used to dissolve time. The vertebrae are the meeting place of bone and the central nervous system, brain and a direct avenue to the mind and Mind. Past lives, personal and monadic, are available as seeds of healing that can be activated with Spirit-guided touch.
It is possible that MetaBrae may be a conduit access to what I call “The Other Stream”, a line of interior pain/shame, largely untouched, unreleased, by normal therapeutic practices, and often not directly interfering with normal daily life in a discernible way. Yet it is there, as a long-term brake retardant of life force, until released.
No one knows the percentage of the adult population that is consciously, or unconsciously, suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. The effects can be dramatically disruptive to one’s life, ranging from serious mental disorders, like paranoia, migraine headaches, extreme sensitivity to sounds, heat and light; loss of appetite, diarrhea, digestive upset, overeating, bulimia; tendency to suicide, etc. The long-term effects can be insidious and unrelated to the original trauma stressors. Consider substantial habitual anxiety, long term depression, loneliness, withdrawal from social activity; hoarding, increased smoking, alcohol and use of prescription and illegal drugs; inability to stay present in relationships, loss of life interests in sports, music, art, reading and travel. In short, there can be a persistent pulling away from life with actions marked by fear, anxiety and anger; the negative emotions taking charge. The draw on society is enormous in lost human resource, and away from happiness. MetaBrae may help uncover and transform some of the causes of PTSD.
What does release look like? Sometimes it can be a yogic-like energy ‘kriya’, singly or in ripples, which can gently, or explosively, rock through one’s body signifying physical, emotional, mental and spiritual release as the healing/forgiveness finds the best way to express. A single tear, sobbing, laughing, sweet convulsions, soft whimpering, words of gratitude, gentle smiles - really any response is possible and totally acceptable as awareness moves to its freedom. It is fun to pay attention.
Does MetaBrae extend to all bones? I think so. Ribs, for example, have often experienced injury trauma that MetaBrae may release. The Cranium has its memory times, fluid storylines that desire expression, and can find blessed relief through attuned touch. Love does plenty when we allow the fingers to dance to inner music.
Shin bones, knee joints take a lot of punishment and can be the victim of sacrifice, all things hard and un-nice. We are potentially accessing the entire human ‘template’; a way in from outer to inner and inner to outer. A hologram that opens into Wholeness through Spirit-mediated touch.
Booking a Session
Each session is Spirit-guided with clients fully clothed.
Ideally a client wears natural fabrics such as organic cotton on the upper body with cotton sweat pants.
Suggested fee is $ 125 for 90 minutes
$ 150 for 2 hours
Book 8 sessions gets one free