"... It was like stumbling along an overgrown jungle bridge of vines between different cultures and radically different realities. There was a lot of falling between the slats into adventures of drawing fire ... cowboy on an Israeli kibbutz; camping on sacred sites in Greece, Iona on the west coast of Scotland, Isla del Sol in the Andes; drinking with skid-row buddies around Pigeon Square in Vancouver; climbing the Great Pyramid of Giza at midnight; chasing the blues in Philadelphia ghettos. In between was 'the trying to be normal', and finding there is no going back..."
I think of buying
a stone house
in tall pines
and starting a library
of best thoughts
and then a snowflake does it all
gives me everything I need
and the whole earth comes
rushing up the road
in shadow and light
and trees and meadows and brooks
and gutters and slag and industrial cold sores
and I realize I can never
break her of her bad habits
let alone instruct her in the good
it's a bigger pygmalion than ever
I could
so I love her because of that
and I ache with wanting not to want it
my way.
