905 493 4110
Brian J Wark - Sculpture & Healing Studio

BJW Sculpture Gallery
250+ sculptures in inventory
Service Description
Private viewing, discussion, meditation, gallery shows, personal and corporate sales. Gallery is located near Saxe Point in Esquimalt BC. For more info about my background, check out my Artist's Bio page, partially reproduced below: "I have walked ten thousand kilometres along forest floors, up mountain trails, along Great Lakes shorelines, to carry these amazing iconoclastic cast of wood characters back to my studio. I have profound respect for the extravagant beauty found disguised in nature waiting to be discovered and extended by human imagination. Trees struck by lightning in the forest; cedar root fence-lines seasoned over a hundred years; Newfoundland sea salted wood; 19th century Romanian oak from horse wagon village lanes; hardwoods with natural black spalting patterns; some with rocks actually embedded in the wood flesh. Wood is my marble, my bronze. Wood is the canvas on which I paint. I co-create with Nature, my awesome partner, whom I want to bring into your home to speak to you of its larger matrix of which you are part. Influences: During my life I have lived and partnered with fascinating artistic personalities and I do not under-estimate the importance of their influence. Twice, I worked for the Banff Centre School of Fine Arts, as Manager of Communications and later as Consultant to help design year-round performing and visual arts programs at the Centre. Immersion in a prolific atmosphere of talent and generative new works creation was a great gift that still energizes me. Once many years ago when the earth was still green, I co-focalized a program for the Ontario Government, called Art Trek. Six teams of artists travelled in vans full of art supplies, all over the province, giving two to three-day art workshops for all ages to communities. Sculptures: The wood grain textures and warm colours of these pieces literally invite the simple reassurance that the sense of touch brings. With these sculptures, eyes are attracted beyond the flat two-dimensional of canvas painting to 3D, add the dimension of Time and you enter 4D. Famed 'Group of Seven' Canadian artist, Tom Thompson, out in wilderness, often chose to paint on slabs of wood, valuing the texture of realism thereby afforded. Colours penetrate and diffuse differently into wood, shine differently from wood.... " .... continue to Artist's Bio page to read the rest ...
Contact Details
1205 Greenwood Avenue, Victoria, BC, Canada